African Countries API

This is a REST API fro African to search for countries, you can use it to search for African countries

search By End Point
Search by name(partial name) it returns one country, eg: Ivory Coast is the country name:ôte d'Ivoire
Search by capital(the country capital) returns one country, eg: Yamoussoukro is Ivory Coast capital:
Search by Calling Code it returns one country, eg: 225 is the calling call of Ivory Coast:
Search by alpha3Code it returns one country, eg: CIV is Ivory Coast alpha3Code:
Search by subregion, it returns a list of countries: there are 5 sub rebregion in Africa: a)Middle Africa b)Southern Africa c)Western Africa d)Northern Africa e)Eastern Africa eg: Africa
Search by language: it returns a list of countries, eg: